Create Victorious Vision in your marriage!

Register before the Jan 6th deadline to secure your spot and get access to our Victorious Vision packet. 
*You'll want to give yourself a good month to complete the packet before our Dream Retreat in February! 

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Invest in your family by investing in your marriage

As couples, we need intentional time together to reflect with gratitude and cast vision for our compelling future! 

Whether or not you have kids, setting aside 1 weekend to focus on each other and the life you're creating is an investment that will pay dividends over the year to come! 

On our Dream Retreat in KC 2023

Enjoy a weekend of fun as you create a united vision for your marriage

Fun Community

You will meet other Uncommon couples and enjoy fun group activities, authentic interaction, and famous KC bbq of course! 

Victorious Vision 

You and your spouse will reflect on your answers to the Victorious Vision packet and devise a plan of implementation & success!

What does a family goal setting retreat entail? 

Listen as Ryan shares how doing goal setting retreats with his wife has helped to strengthen their marriage

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